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Vol.46, No.1, 20 ~ 26, 2008
Ionic Equilibria in Mixed Solutions of Cuprous and Cupric Chloride
이만승 Man Seung Lee , M. J. Nicol
The ionic equilibira in mixed solutions of cuprous and cupric chloride were analyzed by considering chemical equilibria, mass and charge balance equations. The activity coefficients of solutes were calculated by using Bromley equation. Required thermodynamic constants and interaction parameters were evaluated from the data reported in the literature. The effect of NaCl and CuCl concentrations on the pH and potential of the mixed solutions was explained in terms of the variation in the concentration of solutes and in the activity of hydrogen ion. The calculated pH values of the mixed solutions agreed well with the measured values. However, the calculated values for the potential of the mixed solutions were lower than the measured values, indicating the necessity of considering the complex formation between cuprous and chloride ion, such as Cu2Cl4(2-) and Cu3Cl6(3-).
Key Words
CuCl, CuCl2, HCl, Ionic equilbira, pH, Eh
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