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Vol.46, No.1, 33 ~ 39, 2008
Effect of Under Bump Metallization (UBM) on Interfacial Reaction and Shear Strength of Electroplated Pure Tin Solder Bump
김유나 Yu Na Kim , 구자명 Ja Myeong Koo , 박선규 Sun Kyu Park , 정승부 Seung Boo Jung
The interfacial reactions and shear strength of pure Sn solder bump were investigated with different under bump metallizations (UBMs) and reflow numbers. Two different UBMs were employed in this study: Cu and Ni. Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn intermetallic compounds (IMCs) were formed at the bump/Cu UBM interface, whereas only a Ni3Sn4 IMC was formed at the bump/Ni UBM interface. These IMCs grew with increasing reflow number. The growth of the Cu-Sn IMCs was faster than that of the Ni-Sn IMC. These interfacial reactions greatly affected the shear properties of the bumps.
Key Words
Flip chip, pure tin (Sn), under bump metallization, UBM, multiple reflows, interfacial reaction, shear test, intermetallic compound, IMC
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