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Vol.46, No.1, 44 ~ 52, 2008
Effects of Magnetic Powder Size on Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Characteristics in FeSiCr Flakes/Polymer Composite Sheets
노태환 Tae Hwan Noh , 김주범 Ju Beom Kim
The effects of magnetic powder size on electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics in Fe-6.5Si-0.9Cr(wt%) alloy flakes/polymer composite sheets available for quasi-microwave band have been investigated. The composite sheet including small magnetic flakes with the size less than 26 μm exhibited high power loss in the GHz frequency range as compared with the sheets having large alloy flakes of 45~75 μm. Moreover, both the complex permeability and the loss factor increased with the decrease in size of the alloy flakes. The large power loss of the sheets containing small magnetic flakes was attributed to the high complex permeability, especially their imaginary part. The high complex permeability of the sheets composed of small flakes was considered to be due to the highly thin shape of the flakes inducing low eddy-current loss.
Key Words
electromagnetic wave absorption, FeSiCr flakes, composite sheets, magnetic powder size
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