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Vol.46, No.2, 97 ~ 105, 2008
Evaluation of the Electrical Resistance between ITO/black interlayer/Bus electrodes in a Plasma Display Panel
문철희 Cheol Hee Moon
Black interlayer was introduced into between ITO and Bus electrodes to enhance a bright room contrast ratio of a plasma display panel. To measure the electrical resistance of the black interlayer, we designed two test patterns, type I and type II, of which type II pattern was successful. Using type II test pattern, the electrical resistance of the black interlayer was measured to be 300Ω for 2 μm thickness case and infinitely high for 4, 6 μm thickness. This result shows that electrical resistance of the black interlayer in the ITO/black interlayer/Bus electrodes structure is a critical parameter which determines the electrical characteristics of the PDP.
Key Words
plasma display panel, electrical resistance, black interlayer, ITO, bus
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