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Vol.46, No.3, 144 ~ 150, 2008
Analysis for Deformation and Fracture Behavior of Magnesium during Equal Channel Angular Pressing by the Finite Element Method
윤승채 Seung Chae Yoon , 팜쾅 Pham Quang , 김형섭 Hyoung Seop Kim
Equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) has been studied intensively over the decade as a typical top-down process to produce ultrafine/nano structured materials. ECAP has successfully been applied for a processing method of severe plastic deformation to achieve grain refinement of magnesium and to enhance its low ductility. However, difficult-to-work materials such as magnesium and titanium alloys were susceptible to shear localization during ECAP, leading to surface cracking. The front pressure, developed by Australian researchers, can impose hydrostatic pressure and increase the strain level in the material, preventing the surface defect on workpiece. In the present study, we investigated the deformation and fracture behavior of pure magnesium using experimental and numerical methods. The finite element method with different ductile fracture models was employed to simulate plastic deformation and fracture behavior of the workpiece.
Key Words
magnesium, equal channel angular pressing, finite element method, ductile fracture simulation, front pressure effect
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