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Vol.46, No.3, 150 ~ 159, 2008
Temperature Distribution of High Speed Tool Steel Rod During High Speed Hot Rolling Procedure
정효태 Hyo Tae Jeong , 이수연 Soo Yeon Lee , 하태권 Tae Kwon Ha , 정재영 Jae Young Jung
The temperature distribution of high speed tool steel rod has been studied during high speed hot rolling procedures. The tool steel rod shows severe temperature gradient during rolling procedures and the temperature at the center of rod are much higher than that at the surface of rod. This temperature gradient accumulated after every rolling procedure and the center of rolled rod could be remelt in some procedures to cause inside defects. In this study, the temperature distribution was simulated using finite element method and the processing parameters such as rolling speed, cooling condition, have been discussed to prevent the temperature increases at the center of rod.
Key Words
high speed tool steel, rolling, FEM, temperature distribution
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