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Vol.46, No.7, 412 ~ 420, 2008
Creep Properties of Squeeze Infiltrated AS52 Mg/Al18B4O33w Composite
최계원 Kye Won Choi , 박용하 Yong Ha Park , 박봉규 Bong Gyu Park , 박용호 Yong Ho Park , 박익민 Ik Min Park , 조경목 Kyung Mox Cho
Creep behavior of the squeeze infiltrated AS52 Mg matrix composites reinforced with 15 vol% of aluminum borate whiskers(Al18B4O33w) fabricated squeeze infiltration method was investigated. Microstructure of the composites was observed as uniformly distributed reinforcement in the matrix without any particular defects of casting pores etc.. Creep test was carried out at the temperature of 150 and 200℃ under the applied stress range of 60~120 MPa. The creep resistance of the composite was significantly improved comparing with the unreinforced AS52 Mg alloy. The creep behavior of composites might be interpreted with the substructure invariant model successfully for the composite. Threshold stress of the composite exist for the creep deformation of the composite. The analysis of the creep behavior of the composite with threshold stress indicated that creep deformation was controlled by the lattice diffusion process of AS52 Mg matrix at given effective stresses and temperatures. Activation energy was also calculated to check lattice diffusion controlled creep behavior of the composite.
Key Words
AS52 Mg alloy, Aluminum borate whisker, composites, squeeze infiltration method, creep test, substructure invariant model, threshold stress, stress exponent, activation energy, Lattice diffusion control creep
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