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Vol.46, No.7, 420 ~ 427, 2008
Microstructures and Textures of Electrodeposited Ni/Invar Bimetal
강지훈 Ji Hoon Kang , 서정호 Jeong Ho Seo , 박용범 Yong Bum Park
By using electrodeposition, we developed a new method to produce Ni/Invar bimetal sheets, which have been used for the present study to investigate the texture evolution during annealing. The grains of electrodeposited Ni were columnar, while those of electrodeposited Fe-Ni alloy were nanocrystalline. These different parts of the bimetal underwent different evolution of textures and microstructures during annealing. In the nanocrystalline Invar, the asdeposited textures were of fiber-type characterized by strong <100>//ND and weak <111>//ND components, and the occurrence of grain growth resulted in the strong development of the <111>//ND fiber texture with the minor <100> // ND components. On the other hand, in the columnar-structured Ni part, the as-deposited <110>//ND fiber texture transformed to the <112>//ND fiber texture due to recrystallization occurring above 550℃. The development of microtextures which took place during annealing in the Ni/Invar interfacial regions was investigated by using the OIM analysis, and discussed in terms of the effect of atomic diffusion across the interfaces.
Key Words
Bimetal, Nanocrystalline Invar, Columnar Ni, Electrodeposition, Grain growth, Texture
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