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Vol.46, No.7, 458 ~ 464, 2008
Microstructure Analysis of Fe Thin Films Prepared by Ion Beam Deposition
김가희 Ka Hee Kim , 양준모 Jun Mo Yang , 안치원 Chi Won Ahn , 서현상 Hyun Sang Seo , 강일석 Il Suk Kang , 황욱중 Wook Jung Hwang
High purity Fe thin films were prepared by the ion beam deposition method with 56Fe+ions on the Si substrate at the room temperature. The Fe thin films were deposited at the ion energy of 50 eV and 100 eV. Microstructural properties were investigated on the atomic scale using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). It was found that the Fe thin film obtained with the energy of 50 eV having an excellent corrosion resistance consists of the amorphous layer of~15 nm in thickness and the bcc crystalline layer of about 30 nm in grain size, while the thin film obtained with the energy of 100 eV having a poor corrosion resistance consists of little amorphous layer and the defective crystalline layer. Furthermore the crystal structures and arrangements of the oxide layers formed on the Fe thin films were analyzed by processing of the HRTEM images. It was concluded that the corrosion behavior of Fe thin films relates to the surface morphology and the crystalline structure as well as the degree of purification.
Key Words
Fe thin film, ion beam deposition, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, corrosion resistance, amorphous Layer
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