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Vol.46, No.8, 516 ~ 524, 2008
Influence of Glass-Frit Size on the Microstructural Evolution of Conductive Silver Paste
한현근 Hyun Geun Han , 서동석 Dong Seok Seo , 이종국 Jong Kook Lee
The effect of glass-frit size on microstructural evolution and electrical resistance of conductive silver paste was investigated. Silver paste was prepared by mixing 70 wt% commercial silver powder with 1.6 μm, 3 wt% Bi based glass-frit and 27 wt% organic vehicle. Two different sizes of glass-frit were obtained by ball-milling of commercial glass-frit (3 μm) for 3 and 5 days, which had an average particle size of 1.0 and 0.5 μm. The smaller glass-frit was melt at low sintered temperature and rapidly spread between the silver particles, which is induced the dense networking among silver particles and strong adhesiveness to Al2O3 substrate. The silver film with smaller glass-frit sintered at 500°C showed the small pore size and low porosity resulting in low electrical resistivity of 4 μΩ cm.
Key Words
conductive silver paste, glass-frit size, microstructural evolution
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