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Vol.46, No.9, 554 ~ 563, 2008
Statistical and Probabilistic Assessment for the Misorientation Angle of a Grain Boundary for the Precipitation of in a Austenitic Stainless Steel (2)
이상호 Sang Ho Lee , 최병학 Byung Hak Choe , 이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 김성준 Sung Joon Kim , 윤기봉 Kee Bong Yoon , 김선화 Seon Hwa Kim
The distribution and prediction interval for the misorientation angle of grain boundary at which Cr2N was precipitated during heating at 900℃ for 10(4) sec were newly estimated, and followed by the estimation of mathematical and median rank methods. The probability density function of the misorientation angle can be estimated by a statistical analysis. And then the (1-α)100% prediction interval of misorientation angle obtained by the estimated probability density function. If the estimated probability density function was symmetric then a prediction interval for the misorientation angle could be derived by the estimated probability density function. In the case of non-symmetric probability density function, the prediction interval could be obtained from the cumulative distribution function of the estimated probability density function. In this paper, 95, 99 and 99.73% prediction interval obtained by probability density function method and cumulative distribution function method and compared with the former results by median rank regression or mathematical method.
Key Words
Cr2N, misorientation angle, pdf and cdf methods, mathematical method, median rank method
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