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Vol.47, No.1, 7 ~ 13, 2009
Automatic Detection and Characterization of Cracked Constituent Particles/Inclusions in Al-Alloys under Uniaxial Tensile Loading
이순기 Soon Gi Lee , 장성호 Sung Ho Jang , 김용찬 Yong Chan Kim
The detailed quantitative microstructural data on the cracking of coarse constituent particles in 7075 (T651) series wrought Al-alloys have been studied using the utility of a novel digital image processing technique, where the particle cracks are generated due to monotonic loading. The microstructural parameters such as number density, volume fraction, size distribution, first nearest neighbor distribution, and two-point correlation function have been quantitatively characterized using the developed technique and such data are very useful to verify and study the theoretical models for the damage evolution and fracture of Al-alloys. The data suggests useful relationships for damage modeling such as a linear relationship between particle cracking and strain exists for the uniaxial tensile loading condition, where the larger particles crack preferentially.
Key Words
digital image processing, particle cracking, al-alloys, damage evolution and fracture
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