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Vol.47, No.1, 21 ~ 26, 2009
Size Control of Spherical Nickel Powders Synthesized by Solution-Reduction Method
곽효정 Hyo Jung Kwak , 원형일 Hyung Ill Won , 원창환 Chang Whan Won , Hayk Nersisyan
The reduction of Ni(OH)2 by hydrazine-sodium phosphinate in water and water-diethylene glycol solutions for the preparation of spherical nickel particles has been studied at room temperature. The effect of reaction conditions on the size and morphology of Ni powder was revealed using SEM and XRD analysis technique. It was shown that in the presence of sodium phosphinate the reduction process become activated and a formation of Ni particles was completed within several minutes at room temperature. As a desired result spherical Ni powders with particles size from 0.07 to 2.0 mm were obtained.
Key Words
spherical nickel, sdvtion reduction, sodium hypophosphite, particle size
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