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Vol.47, No.2, 79 ~ 91, 2009
Electroless Copper Plating on 304L Stainless Steel Powders and Corrosion Resistance of the Sintered Compacts of Composite Powders
안재우 Jae Woo Ahn , 이재훈 Jae Hoon Lee
A study has been made about the effects of powder content, reaction temperature, reaction time, and stirring speed on the preparation of the stainless steel(STS) 304L powders plating with copper by an electroless plating method. The behavior of corrosion resistance of the sintered STS-Cu composite powders was also investigated by the salt spraying test The electroless plating technique was an effective method to manufactur the copper-uniform plating composite powders, the corrosion resistance of this sintered specimen was improved bysuppressing Cr precipitates on grain boundaries in the sintered compacts of composite powders.
Key Words
electroless copper plating, 304L stainless steel, corrosion resistance, composite powder coating
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