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Vol.47, No.3, 182 ~ 188, 2009
A Study on the Examination of Reaction Mechanism for Molten Salt Electrolysis of Titanium Dioxide
정재영 Jae Young Jung , 조성구 Sung Koo Jo
The molten salt electrolysis is applied to reduce titanium dioxide to titanium metal using calcium chloride as an electrolyte and the reaction mechanism of the reduction process is examined by analyzing the reaction products. The process conditions to obtain titanium metal for 900℃ correspond to 2.9~3.2 V and 24 hours. The reaction products for 2.9 V at 900℃ include irregular-shaped titanium oxides such as Ti4O7, Ti3O5 and Ti2O3 and polyhedral CaTiO3. Using these microstructure analysis, the sequential reaction mechanism for the electrochemical reduction of titanium dioxide to titanium is proposed.
Key Words
titanium, titanium dioxide, molten salt electrolysis, calcium chloride, reaction mechanism
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