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Vol.47, No.4, 235 ~ 242, 2009
Oxidation of STS304 Stainless Steel between 1050 and 1200℃ for 1 Hour in Air
이동복 Dong Bok Lee , Thuan Dinh Nguyen
The STS304 stainless steel was oxidized isothermally and cyclically at temperatures between 1050 and 1200℃ for 1 hr in air. During isothermal oxidation, it displayed good oxidation resistance at 1050℃. However, it suffered from breakaway oxidation above 1100℃, being accompanied with internal oxidation. During cyclic oxidation, it also displayed good oxidation resistance at 1050℃, but it suffered from massive weight loss above 1125℃. The oxide scales formed consisted primarily of Fe2O3, Fe3O4 with and without Cr2O3. They were generally non-adherent.
Key Words
Stainless steel, STS 304, oxidation, chromium
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