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Vol.47, No.6, 349 ~ 356, 2009
Separation of Palladium(2) and Ruthenium(4) from Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Solvent Extraction
이만승 Man Seung Lee , 안종관 Jong Gwan Ahn
In the solvent extraction of Ru(IV) with Alamine336, it was found that Ru took part in the reaction as RuCl6(2-) in the HCl concentration range of 1 to 5 M. Interaction parameter between hydrogen ion and RuCl6(2-) was estimated by applying Bromley equation to the extraction data. From the mixed solutions of Pd(II) and Ru(IV), the distribution coefficients of Pd were found to be higher than those of Ru in the experimental ranges. Separation factor between Pd and Ru rapidly increased with the decrease of Alamine336 concentration. About 60% of the Ru from the mixed solutions was extracted by TBP at 8.3 M HCl, while Pd was not extracted in the HCl concentration range of 1.6 to 8.3 M. (Received April 8, 2009)
Key Words
RuCl4, PdCl2, HCl, Alamine336, TBP
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