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Vol.47, No.7, 433 ~ 440, 2009
Evaluation of Hydrogenation Properties on Ti-Nb-Cr Alloys by Single-Roll Melt Spinning
김경일 Kyeong Il Kim , 홍태환 Tae Whan Hong
Ti and Ti based hydrogen storage alloys have been thought to be the third generation of alloys with a high hydrogen capacity, which makes it difficult to handle because of high reactivity. In order to solve the problem, the activation of a wide range of hysteresis of hydriding/dehydriding and without degradation of hydrogen capacity due to the hydriding/dehydriding cycle have to be improved in order to be aplied. Ti-Cr alloys have a high capacity about 0.8 wt.% in an ambient atmosphere. When the Ti-Cr alloys are added to Nb and Ta elements, they formed a laves phase in the alloy system. The Nb element was expected to make easy diffuse hydrogen in the Ti-Cr storage alloy, which was a catalytic element. In this study, the Ti-Nb-Cr ternary alloy was prepared by melt spinning. As-received specimens were characterized using XRD (X-ray Diffraction), SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) with EDX (Energy Dispersive X-ray) and TG/DSC (Thermo Gravimetric Analysis/Differential Scanning Calorimetry). In order to examine hydrogenation behavior, the PCI (Pressure-Composition-Isotherm) was performed at 293, 323, 373 and 423 K.
Key Words
hydrogen storage alloy, melt spinning, Ti-Cr alloy, Laves phase
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