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Vol.47, No.10, 605 ~ 613, 2009
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ag-27.5%Cu-20.5%Zn-2.5%Mn-0.5%Ni Brazing Alloy Manufactured by Twin Roll Strip Casting
김성준 Sung Jun Kim , 강원국 Won Guk Kang , 김문철 Mun Chul Kim , 김용찬 Yong Chan Kim , 이기안 Kee Ahn Lee
The suitability of twin roll strip casting for Ag-27.5%Cu-20.5%Zn-2.5%Mn-0.5%Ni brazing alloy (known as HS-49D) was examined in the present work and the mechanical properties and microstructure of the strip were also investigated. The effect of annealing heat treatment on the properties was also studied. The new manufacturing process has applications in the production of the brazing alloy. XRD and microstructural analyses of the Ag-27.5%Cu-20.5%Zn-2.5%Mn-0.5%Ni strip revealed a eutectic microstructure of an Ag-rich matrix (FCC) and a Cu-rich phase (FCC) regardless of heat treatment. The results of mechanical tests showed tensile strength of 434 MPa and 80% elongation for the twin roll casted strip. Tensile results showed decreasing strengths and increasing elongation with annealing heat treatment. Microstructural evolution and fractography were also investigated and related to the mechanical properties.
Key Words
twin roll strip casting, Ag-27.5%Cu-20.5%Zn-2.5%Mn-0.5%Ni, mechanical property, annealing
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