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Vol.47, No.10, 644 ~ 652, 2009
In-depth Investigation on Interfacial Resistance of Stainless Steel by Using Dynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
허정호 Jung Ho Heo , 이용헌 Yong Heon Lee , 신헌철 Heon Cheol Shin
The passivation (or deactivation) of a metal surface during oxide film formation has been quantitatively explored for a ferritic stainless steel by using dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS). For this purpose, the electrochemical impedance spectra were carefully examined as a function of applied potential in the active nose region of the potentiodynamic polarization curve, to separate the charge transfer resistance and oxide film resistance. From the discrepancy in the potential dependence between the experimental charge transfer resistance and the semi-empirically expected one, the degree of passivation could be quantitatively estimated. The sensitivity of passivation of the steel surface to anodic potential, which might be the measure of the quality of the oxide film formed under unit driving force or over-potential, decreased by 31% when 3.5 wt% NaCl was added to a 5 wt% H2SO4 solution.
Key Words
dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, charge transfer resistance, ferritic stainless steel, corrosion, passive film
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