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Vol.47, No.12, 787 ~ 797, 2009
Microfracture Mechanism and Fracture Properties of Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys
어광준 Kwang Jun Euh , 이정무 Jung Moo Lee , 남덕현 Duk Hyun Nam , 이성학 Sung Hak Lee
The fracture toughness improvement of Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe ferromagnetic shape memory alloys containing ductile particles was explained by direct observation of microfracture processes using an in situ loading stage installed inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM) chamber. The Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe alloys contained a considerable amount of ductile particles in the grains after the homogenization treatment at 800~1100℃. γ particles were coarsened and distributed homogeneously along β grain boundaries as well as inside β grains as the homogenization temperature increased. The in situ microfracture observation results indicated that γ particles effectively acted as blocking sites of crack propagation, and provided stable crack growth that could be confirmed by the R-curve analysis. This increase in fracture resistance with increasing crack length improved overall fracture properties of the alloys containing γ particles.
Key Words
Ni-Mn-Ga-Fe, Magnetic shape memory alloy, Fracture toughness, Homogenization treatment, R-curve
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