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Vol.48, No.2, 154 ~ 163, 2010
Study of the Distillation of Ferromanganese Alloy Melts at Reduced Pressure
홍성훈 Seong Hun Hong , 전병혁 Byoung Hyuk Jeon , 유병돈 Byung Don You , 김종덕 Jong Deok Kim , 장필용 Pill Yong Jang , 강수창 Soo Chang Kang , 금창훈 Chang Hun Geum
A fundamental study of the distillation behavior of ferromanganese alloy melts was carried out at 1773 K and 0.1333 kPa (=1 Torr). During the distillation of ferromanganese alloy melts under reduced pressure, manganese vaporizes preferentially to phosphorus and other solute elements. High purity manganese metal with a very low content of solute elements can be obtained by distillation of ferromanganese alloy melts. The evaporation of manganese is suppressed as the carbon content of ferromanganese alloy melt increases due to the decrease of activity and vapor pressure of the manganese. When the carbon content of ferromanganese alloy melt is high, melt droplets are ejected from the bath, especially in the early stages of the distillation, and the solute elements in the splashed droplets contaminate the condensed material. The ejection of melt droplets is presumed to be caused by the increase of melting temperature and viscosity of the surface layer of melt due to the enrichment of solute elements such as carbon and iron.
Key Words
metals, purification, melting, SEM, evaporation of manganese
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