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Vol.48, No.3, 225 ~ 235, 2010
The Surface Properties and Wear Resistance of Cr-Mo-V Steel by Salt bath Process after Pseudo-electrolysis
정길봉 Gil Bong Jung , 윤재홍 Jae Hong Yoon , 허성강 Sung Kang Hur
Salt bath nitriding, which has been developed recently by domestic company, is an emerging ecofriendly surface treatment. The salt bath nitriding is accompanied by the electrolysis process in the pretreatment step, and this whole processis called Pseudo-Electrolysised Salt bath Nitriding (PESN). The PESN creates only NH3 and non-toxic salts without harmful CN- or toxic gas such as that found in previous salt bath nitriding. In general, ion nitriding and gas nitriding create high hardness and a strong brittle white layer on the surface. However, the PESN shows a thin white and gray layer. The PESN was applied to the defense material, 3%Cr-Mo-V steel, to study the surface characteristics at 480℃, 530℃, and 580℃ for 4 hrs, 20 hrs, 40 hrs, and 60 hrs of nitriding time condition. As a result, the best nitriding layer was found at 530℃ for 40 hrs. If we improve corrosion resistance and nitriding layer depth, the PESN will be able to be applied to the defense industry parts.
Key Words
alloys, coating, surface, wear, X-ray diffraction
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