
Home > KJMM 논문 > 발간논문

Vol.48, No.3, 235 ~ 241, 2010
Interfacial Adhesion Properties of Enamel coated Alloyed Steels
윤정봉 Jeong Bong Yoon , 조항식 Hang Sik Cho , 박영도 Yeong Do Park , 김양도 Yang Do Kim , 김영석 Young Seok Kim , 오원태 Weon Tae Oh , 남대근
The interfacial adhesion properties of enamel-coated, alloyed steels were in detail characterized by spectroscopic techniques. The surfaces of alloyed steels existed as oxidized states of Fe3O4. Therefore, the oxidized surfaces of the steels significantly interacted with the coated enamels for the adhesion. Ti-alloyed steel showed many micro-boundaries during thermal treatment and these micro-boundaries might cause the decline of the interfacial adhesion between enamel and steel. The depth profiles of enamel-coated, alloyed steels were investigated by GDS (glow discharge spectroscopy) and Ti component was found to be related to the interfacial adhesion between enamel and steel.
Key Words
alloys, coating, interfaces
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