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Vol.48, No.4, 305 ~ 315, 2010
Development of Textures and Microstructures during Compression in a Hot-Extruded AZ31 Mg Alloy
정병조 Byung Jo Jung , 이명재 Myung Jae Lee , 박용범 Yong Bum Park
The development of textures and microstructures during plastic deformation in a hot-extruded AZ 31 Mg alloy was investigated using a compression test with such parameters as deformation temperature, strain rate. It was observed from true stress-strain curves that twinning involves changes of the flow stresses. In the early stages of deformation at temperatures lower than 200℃, the occurrence of twins resulted in a decrease of the work-hardening rate, which increased drastically at a true strain of -0.05. The evolution of the deformation textures were assessed with the aid of EBSD analyses in terms of the competition between twinning and slip activity. (Received November 26, 2009)
Key Words
Mg alloy, EBSD, texture, twinning, extrusion
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