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Vol.48, No.4, 326 ~ 335, 2010
The Properties and Manufacture of Porous Tantalum Powder for Capacitor
이상일 Sang Il Lee , 이승영 Seung Young Lee , 원창환 Chang Whan Won
Porous and net-shaped tantalum powder for a capacitor was formulated in a SHS (self-propagating high-temperature synthesis) process. However, this powder, which has weak strength among its particles and low flow ability, cannot be used for a capacitor. Therefore, this powder was sintered in a high-vacuum furnace to increase agglomeration to improve the flow ability, bonding strength among the particles, and shrinkage during pellet sintering. Finally, it was deoxidated with 2 wt% Mg powder to remove the increased surface oxygen that arose during the sintering process. The final product was analyzed in terms of its chemical and physical properties and was compared with a commercial powder used by a capacitor manufacturer. (Received October 29, 2009)
Key Words
SHS, capacitor, tantalum powder, deoxidation, porous tantalum
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