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Vol.48, No.5, 387 ~ 394, 2010
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Twin-Roll Strip-Cast Al-5.5Mg-0.02Ti Alloy Sheet
천부현 Boo Hyeon Cheon , 한준현 Jun Hyun Han , 김형욱 Hyoung Wook Kim , 이재철 Jae Chul Lee
High-strength aluminum alloy sheets with high magnesium contents were fabricated by a strip caster equipped with an asymmetric nozzle, which has been proven to be effective for reducing surface defects and internal segregation. 4 mm thick as-cast sheets consisting of fine dendrites and minor Al8Mg5 segregation were hot-rolled successfully to 1 mm sheets and subsequently annealed at various temperatures. The sheet revealed the tensile strength and elongation of 306 MPa and 34%, respectively, when it was rolled at 250℃ and subsequently annealed at 475℃, which exhibits the feasibility of the practical application for autobodies. The observed mechanical properties were explained on the basis of the microstructural characteristics of the alloy sheets.
Key Words
Al-Mg alloy, hot rolling, strength, optical microscopy, twin-roll strip casting
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