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Vol.48, No.6, 514 ~ 523, 2010
Influences of Anodizing and Thermal Oxidation on the Galvanic Corrosion between Aluminium and Titanium and GECM
김영식 Young Sik Kim , 장현영 Hyun Young Chang , 손영일 Young Il Sohn , 유영란 Young Ran Yoo , 임현권 Hyun Kwon Lim
Graphite epoxy composite material (GECM) shows high specific strength and its application in the aerospace industry is gradually increasing. However, its application would induce galvanic corrosion between GECM and metallic materials. This work focused on the effects of anodizing and thermal oxidation on galvanic corrosion in a 3.5% NaCl solution between GECM and aluminium and titanium. In the case of anodized aluminium, galvanic corrosion resistance to the GECM was greatly improved by the anodizing treatment regardless of area ratio. In the case of anodized titanium, the anodizing by a formation voltage of 50V increased corrosion resistance of titanium in galvanic tests. Thermal oxidation of titanium also improved corrosion resistance of Ti to GECM.
Key Words
composites, anodization, corrosion, Al, Ti, galvanic
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