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Vol.48, No.9, 831 ~ 842, 2010
Synthesis and Dispersion Stabilization of Indium Tin Oxide Nanopowders by Coprecipitation and Sol-Gel Method for Transparent and Conductive Films
Young Sang Cho , Jeong Jin Hong , Young Kuk Kim , Kook Chae Chung , Chul Jin Choi
Indium tin oxide (ITO) nanopowders were synthesized by coprecipitation and the sol-gel method to prepare a stable dispersion of ITO nano-colloid for antistatic coating of a display panel. The colloidal dispersions were prepared by attrition process with a vibratory milling apparatus using a suitable dispersant in organic solvent. The ITO coating solution was spin-coated on a glass panel followed by the deposition of partially hydrolyzed alkyl silicate as an over-coat layer. The double-layered coating films were characterized by measuring the sheet resistance and reflectance spectrum for antistatic and antireflective properties.
Key Words
thin films, powder processing, optical properties, conductivity/resistivity, ITO nanopowder
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