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Vol.48, No.9, 847 ~ 856, 2010
Grain Size Determination of Copper Film by Electron Backscatter Diffraction
김수현 Su Hyeon Kim , 강주희 Joo Hee Kang , 한승전 Seung Zeon Han
The grain size of a cross-section of 8 μm-thick copper film was determined by electron backscatter diffraction analysis. Grain size distribution histogram showed the presence of a large fraction of small-sized grains, and the mean grain size was significantly affected by handling of them. A cut-off grain size, below which all grains are ignored as noise and eliminated for the calculation of the mean value, should be three or four times as large as the step size. Due to the presence of small grains, the linear intercept method derived larger mean grain size, which depends less sensitively on the cut-off grain size than the equivalent circle diameter method.
Key Words
thin films, deposition, microstructure, EBSD
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