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Vol.48, No.10, 893 ~ 901, 2010
Quantitative Analysis on the Damage of the Austenitic Stainless Steel under the Simultaneous Cavitation Bubble and Solid Particle Collapses
홍성모 Sung Mo Hong , 박진주 Jin Ju Park , 이민구 Min Ku Lee , 이창규 Chang Kyu Rhee
In the present work, the impact loads and their effects on the surface damage under the simultaneous cavitation bubble and solid particle collapses in the sea water have been quantitatively investigated for the austenitic 304 stainless steel by using a vibratory cavitation test device. To do this, angular SiO2 solid particles with an average size of 150 μm were dispersed into the test liquid, and the measured impact amplitudes were converted into the impact loads by a steel ball drop test. The maximum impact load was determined to be 28.2 N in the absence of solid particles, but increased to 33.7 N in the presence of solid particles. In addition, the critical impact loads, Lcrit, required to generate pits with sizes greater than 3 μm were measured to be 19.6 N and 16.6 N, respectively, for the cavitation bubble collapse and solid particle collapse. As a result of the cavitation erosion test, the incubation time and erosion rate were 1.2 times lower and 1.5 times higher, respectively, by a solid particle collapse compared to those only by the cavitation bubble collapse, indicating a drastic decrease in a resistance to cavitation erosion by the solid particle collapse.
Key Words
Metals, erosion, impact Load, image analysis, scanning electron microscopy, SEM
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