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Vol.48, No.10, 942 ~ 951, 2010
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Cu-Fe-P Copper Alloy Sheet Processed by Differential Speed Rolling
이성희 Seong Hee Lee , 임정윤 Jung Youn Lim , 宇都宮裕 Hiroshi Utsunomiya , 어광준 Kwang Jun Euh , 한승전 Seung Zeon Han
The microstructure and mechanical properties of a Cu-Fe-P copper alloy processed by differential speed rolling (DSR) were investigated in detail. The copper alloy, with a thickness of 3 mm, was rolled to 50% reduction at ambient temperature without lubrication with a differential speed ratio of 2.0:1 and then annealed for 0.5h at various temperatures ranging from 100 to 800℃. Conventional rolling was performed under the same rolling conditions for comparison. The shear strain introduced by the conventional rolling process showed positive values at the positions of the upper roll side and negative values at the positions of the lower roll side. However, the result was zero or positive values at all positions for samples rolled by DSR. The effects of DSR on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-rolled and subsequently annealed samples are discussed.
Key Words
Metals, rolling, microstructure, tensile test, annealing
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