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Vol.49, No.1, 32 ~ 40, 2011
Die Compaction and Sintering Behavior of Fe Micro-nano-powder Feedstock for Micro-PIM
유우경 Woo Kyung You , 최준필 Joon Phil Choi , 이재성 Jai Sung Lee
The present investigation was performed on the die compaction and sintering behavior of Fe micronano mixed powder with a mixed binder for powder injection molding. Warm die compaction of the feedstock for simulation of the static injection molding process was conducted using a cylindrical mold of 10 mm diameter at 100℃ under 4MPa. The die compaction of the micro-nanopowder feedstock underwent a uniform molding behavior showing a homogeneous distribution of nanopowders among the micropowders without porosity and distortion. After debinding, the powder compact maintained a uniform structure without crack and distortion, leading to a high green density of 64.2% corresponding to the initial powder loading of 65%. The sintering experiment showed that the micro-nanopowder compact underwent a near full and isotropic densification process during sintering. It was observed that the nanopowders effectively suppressed the growth of micropowder grains during densification process. Conclusively, the use of nanopowder for PIM feedstock might provide a new concept for processing a full density PIM parts with fine microstructure.
Key Words
nanostructured materials, powder processing, microstructure, m-PIM
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