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Vol.49, No.3, 197 ~ 203, 2011
Effect of χ Phase Formation on the Mechanical Properties of 25Cr-7Ni-4Mo-0.2N Super Duplex Stainless Steel
강창룡 Chang Yong Kang , 김재환 Jae Hwan Kim
This study was carried out to investigate the precipitation behavior of χ phase and effect of χ-phase which precipitated at the initial stage of aging on mechanical properties of 25%Cr-7%Ni-4%Mo-0.2%N super duplex stainless steel. χ-phase was precipitated mainly at the interface of ferrite/austenite phases and inside of the ferrite phase at the initial stage of aging, and it was transformed into σ-phase with an increase of aging time. The ferrite phase was decomposed into new austenite(γ2)phase and σ-phase by aging treatment. The hardness and tensile strength of the initial stage of aging when χ-phase was precipitated did not changed considerably, while elongation rapidly decreased. Accordingly, it is considered that χ-phase didn`t affect the hardness and strength significantly, but it affected the elongation.
Key Words
super duplex stainless steel, impact toughness, χ phase, σ phase
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