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Vol.49, No.5, 380 ~ 388, 2011
Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Wire-Brushed Surface and Roll-Bonded Interface of Aluminum Sheets
김수현 Su Hyeon Kim , 김형욱 Hyoung Wook Kim , 강주희 Joo Hee Kang , 어광준 Kwang Jun Euh
Wire brushing, which is a typical surface preparation method for roll bonding, has recently been highlighted as a potentially effective method for surface nanocrystallization. In the present study, the microstructure evolution and hardness of the wire-brushed surface and roll-bonded interface of a 1050 aluminum sheet were investigated. Wire brushing formed protruded layers with a nanocrystalline structure and extremely high surface hardness. After roll bonding, the protruded layers remained as hard layers at the interface. Due to their hardness and brittleness the interface hard layers, can affect the interface bonding properties and also play an important role determining the mechanical properties of multi-layered clad sheets.
Key Words
wire brushing, aluminum, surface nanocrystallization, protruded Layer, hard Layer, roll bonding, interface, mechanical properties
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