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Vol.49, No.6, 493 ~ 498, 2011
Fabrication and Evaluation of Al Targets using the SPS Technique and their Sputter Fabricated Films
현혜영 Hye Young Hyun , 김민정 Min Jung Kim , 유정호 Jung Ho Yoo , 정칠성 Chil Seong Jeong , 양준모 Jun Mo Yang , 오익현 Ik Hyun Oh , 박현국 Hyun Kuk Park , 이승민 Seung Min Lee , 오용준 Yong Jun Oh
The basic properties and electrical characteristics of sputtering films deposited with a commercial cast target and spark plasma sintering (SPS) were compared and analyzed. The results, revealed that, the Al film prepared by heating at 60℃/min (SPS process) showed a specific resistance similar to the commercial cast Al film. In addition, the results of XRD, SIMS and TEM, showed that there was not much difference in the crystal structure and impurities between the two films. Consequently, the SPS Al target was found to have properties quite similar to the commercial one and it is expected to be applied in future research to the metal wiring material for semiconductor/display devices.
Key Words
Al target, sputtering film, spark plasma sintering, evaluation
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