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Vol.49, No.7, 522 ~ 530, 2011
Surface Characteristics with respect to Magnetic Abrasive Finishing in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics
문상돈 Sang Don Mun , 송준희 Jun Hee Song
Carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP), which have been developed for their high mechanical properties, are insufficient to secure machinery. This paper investigates the use of magnetic abrasive finishing methods and the characteristics of surface roughness for mirror machining of CFRP. The cylindrical surface of CFRP was ground using a diamond paste with sizes of 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 6㎛. Consequently, an effective surface roughness of 0.03㎛(Ra) could be obtained via a paste size of 0.5㎛. The surface roughness was not improved due to epoxy abrasion between the carbon fiber and the epoxy.
Key Words
carbon fiber reinforced plastics, CFRP, composites, machining, wear, SEM
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