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Vol.49, No.8, 601 ~ 608, 2011
Influence of Current Density on Corrosion Properties of AZ91 Mg Alloy Coated by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Method
이병욱 Byung Uk Lee , 황인준 In Jun Hwang , 이재식 Jae Sik Lee , 고영건 Young Gun Ko , 신동혁 Dong Hyuk Shin
The study investigated the influence of current density on the corrosion-protection properties of an AZ91 Mg alloy subjected to plasma electrolytic oxidation coating. The present coatings were carried out under an AC condition at three different current densities, i.e., 100, 150, and 200 mA/cm2. From microstructural observations, the micro cracks connecting each micro pore were pronounced on the oxide surface of the samples coated at current densities higher than 150 mA/cm2 since increasing the current density in this study led to an increment in the relative volume fraction of the MgO compound. Based on potentio dynamic polarization and immersion tests, the sample coated at a current density of 100 mA/cm2 showed superior corrosion resistance.
Key Words
Mg alloy, coating, plasma electrolytic oxidation, current density, corrosion
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