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Vol.49, No.8, 642 ~ 649, 2011
Ultrasonic Deposit Junction Characteristic Evaluation of Metal Sheets Al/Al and Al/Cu
서정석 Jeong Seok Seo , 백시영 Si Young Beck
This paper describes an experimental study on ultrasonic welding of similar and dissimilar metals. There are optimum welding conditions which are found for welding of Al/Al and Al/Cu. It evaluated weldability using tensile test, SEM observation and EDX-ray analysis. Both ultrasonic welding of Al/Al and Al/Cu have amplitude as the variable factor. Al/Cu welding was examined again with welding time as variable factor to find the best conditions. The more welding time or amplitude increase, the better weldability. The optimum conditions for ultrasonic welding of Al/Al were formed at pressure 0.25 MPa, welding time 0.25 sec, amplitude 90%. Pressure 0.25 MPa, welding time 0.4 sec, amplitude 80% are optimized for Al/Cu ultrasonic metal welding and solid-state diffusion generated by ultrasonic vibration and frictional heat is confirmed at the welded interface.
Key Words
metals, welding, diffusion, ultrasonic, weldability
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