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Vol.49, No.10, 780 ~ 790, 2011
Effects of Alloyed Carbon on the General Corrosion and the Pitting Corrosion Behavior of FeCrMnN Stainless Steels
하헌영 Heon Young Ha , 이태호 Tae Ho Lee , 김성준 Sung Joon Kim
The effects of alloyed carbon on the pitting corrosion, the general corrosion, and the passivity behavior of Fe18Cr10Mn0.4NxC (x=0~0.38 wt%) alloys were investigated by various electrochemical methods and XPS analysis. The alloyed carbon increased the general corrosion resistance of the FeCrMnN matrix. Carbon enhanced the corrosion potential, reduced the metal dissolution rate, and accelerated the hydrogen evolution reaction rate in various acidic solutions. In addition, carbon promoted the pitting corrosion resistance of the matrix in a chloride solution. The alloyed carbon in the matrix increased the chromium content in the passive film, and thus the passive film became more protective.
Key Words
metals, annealing, corrosion, SEM scanning electronmicros-copy, carbon
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