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Vol.50, No.2, 116 ~ 122, 2012
Thermodynamic Behavior of Si in Mn-Si Melts
백민규 Min Kyu Paek , 장정목 Jung Mock Jang , 강윤배 Youn Bae Kang , 박종진 Jong Jin Pak
Equilibria between Mn-Si melts and MnO-SiO2 slags were studied at 1673 K and 1773 K in MnO crucibles to accurately determine the thermodynamic property of the Mn-Si melts. The Unified Interaction Parameter Formalism (UIPF) was used to describe the thermodynamic property of the Mn-Si liquid. Using the UIPF, the experimental results obtained in the present study were thermodynamically analyzed to determine the activity coefficient of Si at infinite dilution and the 1st- and 2nd-order self-interaction parameters of Si in the Mn-Si melts.
Key Words
manganese, silicon, thermodynamic properties, activity coefficient, interaction parameter
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