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Vol.50, No.3, 237 ~ 243, 2012
The Influence of Additives on the Mechanical Properties of Electrodeposited Copper Foils
우태규 Tae Gyu Woo , 박일송 Il Song Park , 정광희 Kwang Hee Jung , 손규송 Kyu Song Son , 송람 Ram Song , 이만형 Man Hyung Lee , 황영규 Young Kyu Hwang , 설경원 Kyeong Won Seol
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of additives on the mechanical and electrical characteristics of electrodeposited copper foils. Additives A(leveler) and B(brightener) were used in this study and Cl ions were used as an accelerator. In case of using these additives A and B, it showed a disadvantage that decreased the elongation of electrodeposited layer due to decreased grain sizes and increased tensile strength. On the other hand, the Cl ions decreased the specific resistance of the copper layer and increased elongation owing to increasing grain sizes. The highest elongation and lowest resistivity were measured in the group added only Cl ions, whose values were 21.9% and 3.11 μΩ-cm, respectively.
Key Words
electrodeposite, copper foil, additive, elongation, surface morphology
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