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Vol.50, No.5, 361 ~ 369, 2012
Corrosion of Fe-(10~40)%Cr Steels in Na2SO4 Salts at 800~900
김슬기 Seul Ki Kim , 이재호 Jae Ho Lee , 이동복 Dong Bok Lee
Fe-(10, 20, 30, 40) wt%Cr alloys were corroded in Na2SO4 salts (m.p.=884℃) at 800-900℃ for 3- 300 hrs. Their corrosion resistance increased with an increase in Cr content owing to the formation of slowly growing Cr2O3. During corrosion, Na2SO4 dissociated and reacted with the alloys to form Cr2O3 and Fe2O3. Since Fe2O3 dissolved fast into the salts, most of the scales consisted primarily of Cr2O3. Inside the scale, a small amount of sulfides also existed. The oxidation, dissolution and detachment of the formed scales occurred significantly.
Key Words
metals, casting, oxidation, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), hot corrosion
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