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Vol.50, No.6, 419 ~ 426, 2012
Effect of the Cu Composition Ratio on the Phase Transformation in Low Ni Austenite Cast Iron, Fe-3%C-16%(Ni+Mn+Cu)
박기덕 Gi Deok Park , 허회준 Hoe Jun Heo , 나혜성 He Sung Na , 강정윤 Chung Yun Kang
The purpose of this research was to develop a low Ni austenitic cast iron through replacing Ni by Cu and Mn because they are cheaper than Ni. The effect of the Cu content (6-12 wt%) on the microstructure characteristics was investigated in Fe-3%C-16%(Ni+Cu+Mn) cast iron. Contrary to general effect of the Cu on cast iron, the result of the microstructure analysis indicated that bainite and cementite were formed in high Cu content (>8 wt%Cu). A crystallized Cu-solution (Cu-Mn) phase and MnS in the Cu-solution were formed. The quantity of those phases increased as the Cu content increased. Consequently, the high Cu content in the composition ratio (Ni+Cu+Mn=16%) caused the formation of Cu-Mn/MnS and those phases decreased the effect of Cu and Mn on austenite formation. For this reason, bainite and cementite were formed in high Cu content.
Key Words
austenitic cast-iron, casting, microstructure, scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalyzer
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