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Vol.50, No.6, 449 ~ 455, 2012
Fabrication of Nanostructured 3FeAl-Al2O3 Composite from Mechanically Synthesized Powders by Pulsed Current Activated Sintering and Its Mechanical Properties
두송이 Song Lee Du , 손인진 In Jin Shon , 도정만 Jung Mann Doh , 박방주 Bang Ju Park , 윤진국 Jin Kook Yoon
Nanopowder of FeAl and Al2O3 was synthesized from FeO and Al powders by high energy ball milling. Using the pulsed current activated sintering method, the nanocystalline Al2O3 reinforced FeAl composite was consolidated within two minutes from mechanically synthesized powders. The advantage of this process is that it allows very quick densification to near theoretical density and prohibits grain growth in nanostuctured materials. The grain size, sintering behavior and hardness of sintered FeAl-Al2O3 composite were investigated.
Key Words
composite, nanomaterials, sintering, mechanical properties
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