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Vol.50, No.6, 463 ~ 469, 2012
Reaction Kinetics with Hydrogen and Temperature Dependence of the Hydriding Rate for a Magnesium-Based Nickel Iron Oxide Alloy
Myoung Youp Song , Sung Hwan Baek , Hye Ryoung Park
A 71.5 wt%Mg-23.5 wt%Ni-5 wt%Fe2O3 (Mg-23.5Ni-5Fe2O3) sample was prepared by a quite simple process, reactive mechanical grinding, and its hydriding and dehydriding properties were then investigated. The reactive mechanical grinding of Mg with Ni and Fe2O3 is considered to facilitate nucleation and shorten the diffusion distances of the hydrogen atoms. After the hydriding-dehydriding cycling, the Mg- 23.5Ni-5Fe2O3 sample contained Mg2Ni phase. Expansion and contraction of the hydride-forming materials (Mg and Mg2Ni) with the hydriding and dehydriding reactions are also considered to increase the hydriding and dehydriding rates of the mixture by forming defects and cracks leading to the fragmentation of the particles. The temperature dependence of the hydriding rate of the sample is discussed.
Key Words
hydrogen absorbing materials, mechanical alloying, milling, microstructure, X-ray diffraction, Ni and Fe2O3 addition
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