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Vol.50, No.7, 495 ~ 503, 2012
Analysis of High Temperature Deformation Stability and Properties of Duplex Stainless Steels According to Annealing Temperature
권기현 Gi Hyoun Kwon , 나영상 Young Sang Na , 유위도 Wee Do Yoo , 이종훈 Jong Hoon Lee , 박용호 Yong Ho Park
The aim of this study was to analyze high temperature deformation stability and properties of duplex stainless steels(DSS) according to annealing temperature. In order to analyze high temperature deformation stability, a number of compression tests were carried out with a stain rate of 10 -2 s -1 ~10 s -1 up to a compression ratio of 50% in a temperature range of 950-1300. The analysis of high temperature deformation stability of DSS was performed based on the Ziegler model. In order to analyze the high temperature properties of DSS, annealing treatments were conducted by isothermal holding for 1 hr at 950 to 1300 with 50 intervals followed by water cooling. The hardness and tensile tests were performed on specimens with different volume fractions of constituent phases, such as austenite, ferrite and sigma. The hardness and tensile strength of 2507 according to the annealing temperature are better than those of 2205. The strain rate sensitivity and Ziegler parameter are higher in 2205 than in 2507 as a whole, which implies that 2205 is better than 2507 in terms of forgeability at high temperature.
Key Words
duplex stainless steel, high deformation stability, ziegler parameter, annealing
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