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Vol.50, No.12, 867 ~ 872, 2012
Texture Characteristics of TiN Film by Electron Backscatter Diffraction
Bong Yong Jeong
The microstructure and texture of TiN coatings on a Ni-based super-alloy were characterized by the automated version of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), EBSD techniques were used to investigate the very fine TiN grain shape and crystal orientation. This study confirmed that EBSD techniques provide a very useful tool for characterization of coating materials. The TiN grains had a special texture, a {001}-fiber texture in the coating layer. It was also found that, in severe environments, the coating performance of equiaxial and randomly oriented TiN is superior to that with columnar structures.
Key Words
TiN, thin films, coating, texture, electron backscattering diffraction(EBSD)
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