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Vol.51, No.2, 131 ~ 136, 2013
Thermo-mechanical Degradation of NiCr Thin Film Subjected to Thermal Cycling
Eui Jong Lee , Tai Min Noh , Min Seok Jeon , Hyun Gyoo Shin , Hee Soo Lee
The thermo-mechanical degradation of NiCr films during thermal cycling was investigated in terms of microstructural and chemical changes to the surface. Thermal cycling was performed between room temperature and 200℃ in thermally evaporated NiCr films on an Mn-Ni-Co-O substrate. Isothermal exposures were also performed as a control experiment. The sheet resistance of the NiCr films increased linearly (from 35 to 52 Ω/sq.) with a temperature difference of the thermal cycling, whereas the films subjected to isothermal aging increased only slightly, from 35 to 38 Ω/sq. After 300 thermal cycles at ΔT=175℃, cracks formed and proliferated on the coating surface, and local delamination occurred at the interfaces. XPS results showed that the intensity of a metallic peak at 574.0 eV decreased and that of the Cr oxide peak at ~577 eV increased with an increase of the thermal cycles. Consequently, the degradation of the NiCr films by accelerated thermal cycling stress was attributed to a proliferation of lateral surface cracks from thermally induced tensile stress compounded by surface oxidation, causing an increase in sheet resistance.
Key Words
NiCr film, thermal cycling, accelerated test, degradation, failure mechanism
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