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Vol.51, No.1, 25 ~ 32, 2013
Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of a HT9 Fuel Cladding Tube for a Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor
김준환 Jun Hwan Kim , 허형민 Hyeong Min Heo , 백종혁 Jong Hyuk Baek , 김성호 Sung Ho Kim
As part of developing a fuel cladding tube for the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR), KAERI has manufactured a ferritic-martensitic cladding tube (12Cr1MoWV, HT9) in cooperation with a domestic steelmaking company. After making a steel ingot, followed by multiple processes of tube reduction and subsequent heat treatment, a seamless HT9 tube with a 7.4 mm outer diameter, 0.56 mm thickness and 3000 mm length was manufactured. The objective of this study is to evaluate the out-of pile mechanical properties of the HT9 tube for an assessment of quality inspection as well as validation of its performance. An axial tensile test, a biaxial burst test, and a pressurized creep test of the fuel cladding were carried out at various test temperatures. Finally, the long-term mechanical properties were evaluated, along with the mechanical properties and the mid-term aging data, which showed that microstructural change characterized by the aging mechanism can mainly affect the mechanical roperties of the HT9 cladding tube.
Key Words
alloys, deformation, mechanical properties, tensile test, HT9
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